June 19, 2009

19.06 Down Time

Anyone know what's going on and when we can expect to have access?


Anonymous said...

nothing here, its almost as if the site has just vanished.

Anonymous said...

No joy here either.

Anonymous said...

Has this ever happened before? Thought it always went to the site update page never seen it just vanish like this!

Anonymous said...

is this the end?

Anonymous said...

Always thought the end would come like this just blinking into nothing. Well I'm off to a miserable day at work.

chaos said...

Webby, Grezz, pleasant, someone with a faint idea what's going on ... ?

dynein from anubis said...

is it the ip problem that happened a year ago?

i must log in or i will lose 2 of my best youth they have been in the academy for 4 seasons!!!!

Mods we need urgent help.

Webby said...

Sorry, but I've no idea what's going on!

Webby said...

I'm in.

dynein said...

am in also thnxs GOD

and thnx to MODS also

pleasantsurprise said...

More down time. Anyone any idea about this?

Anonymous said...

i bet ziggy is doing his nut in again. lol

pleasantsurprise said...

Oh aye. Will toys be thrown out again? :)

I wonder if Eddy is somehow behind this? Funny how he turns up the other day and now the site's down?

Anonymous said...

maybe, but you would have thought the bosses would have learnt from last time and put somesort of defence in place, its almost like they dont care about their site.

pleasantsurprise said...

I'm not giving up hope just yet...

C4ught said...

There was a post about a new team not been created when a fella signed up.

Didnt that coincide with downtime last time the update got stuck?

Anonymous said...

Anyone got any idea what has happened to IAG today (Tuesday Sept 22nd 2009).......Eddy by any chance?.

Ian (bcagfc)

Anonymous said...

The more I think about it, the more I think it has to be Eddy.
Didn't he make a vailed threat in the thread he made?.

Ian (bcagfc)

RocketmanGav said...

I know its still early in the day, but does anyone know what would happen if the bosses dont fix this before the next 5pm update and the next 3pm update with regards to contract negotiations and the transfer market.

I would bet that Eddy is behind this again.

pleasantsurprise said...

Oh. Different message now:

ITSAGOAL.com is currently updating. Please try again later Following an issue overnight the batch is now being run again.

RocketmanGav said...

Ronmanager is on the case, should be back by 2.30

RocketmanGav said...

Is there anyone else who cant get on tonight? Cant get on to set the team or the training :-(

TMFKAF said...

I can't get on either. Hopefully it'll be back up soon

TMFKAF said...

Well it came back just before the update and for a while afterwards. It's down again now though :(

Anonymous said...

nothing here at all, no recognition of an iag website.

Anonymous said...

cant get on through BT broadband, cant get on through vodafone mobile broadband, cant get on through o2 mobile.
might be the end!

C4ught said...

Could get on this morning but cant get on now :( Please No!

Anonymous said...

Site went down at around 12:56 GMT, I had been on there for about an hour and a half.

Surely they would say something if they were closing it down altogether, I mean people pay money to play.

This is the 2nd time in 3 days that something has happened, has there been a change in server or other technical stuff?.

Ian (bcagfc)

garyt said...

Long update time this evening, hopefully it's related to some programming being done.

RocketmanGav said...

Down again, hope it comes back on, I currently dont have a team selected that can win tonights match :-(

RocketmanGav said...

If it is some programming, it would be good if they posted earlier in the day that the site will be down for an extended period tonight. Would stop me being annoyed I cant select my team.

garyt said...

Last time problems were due to service provider. Though this time it says updating, rather than just not responding, so maybe related to a change on the site. Ah well, have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Never seen such a long update for 5.00pm. Uually it's the 3.00am update that can last for hours.

pleasantsurprise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pleasantsurprise said...

I think we;ve had it for tonight don't you?

Anonymous said...

Down AGAIN...grrrr

I am in the middle of updating the Cookies Cup website, I needed a couple of results from tonights 5pm update but most KO stage games have been decided now.

Ian (bcagfc)