September 4, 2008

IAG problems again?

Is anyone else having trouble getting on IAG?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Having issues connecting tonight yes... although okay this morning.

Anonymous said...

me too - I think it's probably a small blip

totti said...

I was last on at about 5:20pm.

Webby said...

I can't connect. Ok this morning.

TopGun2 said...

What am I going to do without my fix? I'm already suffering withdrawal symptoms!

Webby said...

Ziggy's gonna absolutely flip! :)

Anonymous said...

Anyone recall the last time they saw it online and useable... 7am for me..

Anonymous said...

was last working just after 5pm this evening.

TopGun2 said...

So it wasn't an issue related to the 5pm update then.

Anonymous said...

I cant get on either, but was able too just after the 5pm update.

Marc van Bree said...

Logged in shortly after the update. But after that can't log in anymore. This is what Firefox says:

Connection Interrupted

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.

Anonymous said...

about 3pm for me. In Facebook IAG group, Michael Haywood mentioned that it was off before 5pm, came back on just after but off again shortly thereafter.


totti said...

I was on at about 5.20pm give or take a couple of minutes.

Anonymous said...

this is the only site i ever have any type of connection problems with.

Anonymous said...

Where is Grezz when you need him?

Anonymous said...

able to access now :)


Anonymous said...

Me too, phew :-)

pleasantsurprise said...

Is there any trouble with the site this morning or is it really doing an update?

Anonymous said...

I hope it does not mean the end for the game :(

pleasantsurprise said...

Aye. Let's keep our fingers crossed Zmeus.

Anonymous said...

there probably is some kind of problem, lets hope it can be resolved. maybe the bugs are being fixed!!!!!

pleasantsurprise said...

Wouldn't that be wonderful? One massive bug-fixing session.
Does anyone know if this a continuation of the 3am update or was it open at some point this morning?

Anonymous said...

hmmm. what do you think the chances of that are PS? more likely another bug has appeared.

pleasantsurprise said...

Pretty slim I'll grant you. We can but hope!

Anonymous said...

Irony.. We will get 'everything' or 'nothing' now... :)
Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Oh.. And the server was already off at ~6:00 - the time I arrived at work

pleasantsurprise said...

Pretty slim I'll grant you. We can but hope!

pleasantsurprise said...

Pretty slim I'll grant you. We can but hope!

pleasantsurprise said...

Oh! I'm brilliant at posting on this site. Just ask Webby!

pleasantsurprise said...

Site is up and running again :-)

Anonymous said...

What's going on? :(

Anonymous said...

down again... is this the beginning of the end?

pleasantsurprise said...

I hope not!

Anonymous said...

So do we all!

We almost need an official back-up page (maybe this one will do) where the mods and admin guys can let us know what's happening if the site is down for any reason.

Hoopie (Neural sneaking onto Manta page!)

pleasantsurprise said...

The last time there was a connection problem, this site really came into its own. I think people may have forgotten about it actually. (With honourable exceptions of course)
And we don't mind a Neural using a Manta site, Hoopie. Honest!

Anonymous said...

thanks, just don't let those tigersharks anywhere near ;)

Anonymous said...

"Webby said...
Ziggy's gonna absolutely flip! :)

September 04, 2008 6:40 PM "

I think I did flip too ;-)
And I'm going to flip again if I can't see my new staff applications sometime soon!!

pleasantsurprise said...

Oooh. The suspense must be killing you! :)

Anonymous said...

oh well, at least we have a long recession to look forward to...

Anonymous said...

"thanks, just don't let those tigersharks anywhere near ;)"
Ahemm... Can I stay here, Pleasantsurprise, too? :) :P
Man.. There's a fine player on the list, and today had to be the last day of bidding. Probably lost him by now :(

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know - did the last time someone switch the server on manually, or it did automatically?

pleasantsurprise said...

"Ahemm... Can I stay here, Pleasantsurprise, too? :) :P"

Of course you can Zmeus. All are welcome here. It is a veritable open house.

pleasantsurprise said...

"Does anybody know - did the last time someone switch the server on manually, or it did automatically?"

I think, although I'm not sure, that one of the bosses had to do a manual re-start. It was round about noon when the site came back up the other day.....

Anonymous said...

So if the bosses have gone away on a romantic w/e away together, we could all be in trouble!

Could make for some interesting results in the league, Super Cup and Cookies if the AMs are left in charge.


Anonymous said...

Problems 2 days in a row now. it's time the bosses did something, and I don't meant a 3 word, insincere apology either! I'm not paying money for this debacle and if it's not resolved soon they will lose experienced managers.