April 19, 2008

So, there is no such thing as Fate then….

This article could have had completely the opposite slant on it if I’d lost my IAG Super Cup match today against Redrum.

Why is pleasant saying this?, I can hear you say. Well, the reason will become clear in due course.

Ever since the start of this season’s IAG Super Cup competition I have been convinced I knew which round would mark my exit – it was written. Here’s my IAG Cup record prior to this season:

Season Round Exit

As you can see, the missing round for a perfect record (ignoring first round byes) is 6. That’s how I ‘knew’ I was going out in Round 6.
I now realise that there is no such thing as ‘Fate’ or ‘Destiny’ (not on IAG anyway!)

Oh well. I will just have to get past Round 9 this season to keep the record up!

I’m looking forward to the draw for Round 7. I wouldn’t mind a home game against one of the 6 teams with a 1,000+ rating still in the competition. (Mind you, chaosmaster is due an ‘easy’ draw isn’t he? Or did he use up 2 seasons’ worth of luck last season?


chaos said...

Whatever the draw for the next round, I've reached as far as I wanted at the start of the season. From here on, it's just a bonus I'll do my best to take advantage of :)

But to answer your final comment more precisely, I'm not really concerned with the odds of finally getting an easy draw, it's having 5 consecutive home games so far that has me more worried about my next venue :)

pleasantsurprise said...

I suppose it is better to have away games early on in the Cup against (so-called) lesser teams and then home games later on against the 'better' teams.
This should also help with attendances. But having said that, my attendance today was disastrous. I'd increased my price by just 1 (having had an over-sub in the last round) for a higher rated opponent. Result? Nearly 1,000 fewer (almost 15%!) paying customers. I just don't get it sometimes. :(